Thursday, April 23, 2015

Unclean: A Gothic Warrior


Digital painting of a gothic warrior 2015

Slowly sinking into the world of the below, she feels the darkness inviting her. Enchanting her wounded heart. Seducing her battered soul.

Yet somehow, she manages to stay afloat. Somehow she maintains a grasp on reality.

She feels so unclean. Stained by the tortures from others. Marked by her violent past.

Yet still she endeavors. 

A gothic warrior who refuses defeat.

A lonely soldier insisting on survival.

This surreal digital portrait painting of a beautiful and mysterious gothic warrior was created with Corel Painter 2015, Adobe Photoshop CS6, and a Wacom Intuos Pro tablet using a combination of digital painting and photo manipulation.

Based on the photography of Magda Lindblom

Gallery quality giclée fine art prints and merchandise are available at Society6

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Wall Tapestries

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Framed Art Prints

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